Islamist militant group said on Tuesday it was behind bombings in central Nigeria and attacks suffered by churches in the north east of the country led to the deaths of at least 86 people. 

Police said on Tuesday that 86 people were killed in the attacks on the eve of Holiday Birth and clashes took place after two days between young Muslims and Christians in central Nigeria, while more than 100 people receiving treatment in hospitals. 

Daniel said an official at the jumbo Emergency Management Agency in Nigeria in the late evening of Monday, "We have recovered 80 bodies so far in Goss." In a separate incident, six people were killed when petrol bombs were thrown on Friday night in the city of churches Maidjor northeastern state of Borno. 

According to a statement posted on the group, the Sunnis for Preaching and Jihad on the Internet that the attacks that took place in Jos (Asaldanip) and Borno gala on the eve of Birth carried out by the group under the leadership of Abu Mohammed, Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad complaint. 

Used Boko forbidden in the Islamic militant group, the former name of the people of the year for Preaching and Jihad. 

And pledged to President Goodluck Jonathan to prosecute those responsible for the bombings, but the government did not identify the party responsible for the violence. 

Were not immediately available for comment on behalf of the government on this claim. 

Launched Boko haram which you want to apply sharia law across the country in Maidjor rebellion last year led to clashes with security forces killed up to 800 people.


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